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Two Chinese export semi-eggshell porcelain octagonal plates decorated in opaque enamels of the famille rose (fencai) palette, in the centre a Chinese river scene showing a lady with a little boy on her back greeting another lady in a boat with a boy at her side, Yongzheng reign.
Stock Number: 4583
Two Chinese export semi-eggshell porcelain octagonal plates with a mauve and blue border with flower heads decorated in opaque enamels of the famille rose (fencai) palette, in the centre a Chinese river scene showing a lady with a little boy on her back greeting another lady in a boat with a boy at her side, c. 1730, Yongzheng reign, Qing dynasty, d. 22 cm, 8 5/8 in. 3.4032
• 100 Years of Chinese Export Porcelain, by A. Varela Santos, 2014/2015, cat. 101;
• The Book of Famille Rose, by G.C. Williamson, colour plate XLIX.
Literature: Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, by A. du Boulay, p. 264 for another pair of plates.
◆ Octagonal plates are very unusual during this reign when most of them are round.
中國外銷瓷半薄胎粉彩團花八角盤, 盤中繪一河景, 一背小孩的女子在迎接撐船而來的另一 女子和她身邊的小男孩。約1730年, 清雍正, 直徑22 釐米,8 5/8 英吋。
•《百年中国外销瓷》 阿.瓦瑞拉.桑托斯, 2014/2015, 目录 101;
•《粉彩大全》,作者G.C. Williamson,見彩圖版74.
參考文獻:《佳士得中國陶瓷史畫報》,作者A. du Boulay,見第264頁另一對瓷盤。
◆ 八角器型在雍正時期較為少見, 當時大多數瓷盤都是圓形。