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Pair of Chinese export porcelain octagonal plates with a central Chinese domestic scene in opaque enamels from the famille rose (fencai) palette, Yongzheng reign.


Stock Number: 3441

Very fine and rare semi-eggshell pair of Chinese export porcelain octagonal plates with two borders and a central Chinese domestic scene in opaque enamels from the famille rose (fencai) palette, c. 1730, Yongzheng reign, Qing dynasty, ø 22 cm, 8 ½ in. Image: 3.4027

Illustrated: 100 Years of Chinese Export Porcelain, by A. Varela Santos, 2014/2015, cat. 100.

Provenance: Fonthill Heirlooms Collection, #523, sold at Christie’s, London, in 2004.

Literature: Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, by A. du Boulay, p. 264 for a similar pair of plates. 

中國外銷瓷半薄胎粉彩八角盤, 粉藍邊圈上繪有 團花圖案, 盤中一女子與兩童嬉戲, 室內裝飾典 雅, 約1730年, 清雍正, 直徑22 釐米, 8 ½ 英吋。

插图: 《百年中国外销瓷》 阿.瓦瑞拉.桑托斯, 2014/2015, 目录 100。

來源:Fonthill Heirlooms 祖傳藏品第523號,在2004年倫敦蘇富比拍賣會上賣出。

參考文獻:《佳士得中國陶瓷史畫報》,作者A. du Boulay,見第264頁一對相似瓷盤。