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Chinese dish in underglaze cobalt blue (qinghua) after Dutch Delft faience, Augustus collection, Kangxi.


Stock Number: 3805

Very fine and rare Chinese export porcelain dish decorated in underglaze cobalt blue (qinghua) and gilt with a European scene after Dutch Delft faience, c. 1700, Kangxi reign, Qing dynasty, d. 27 cm, 10½ in. 6.6025

Provenance: Augustus II, King of Poland & Elector of Saxony (1670-1733), N. 499, who was a fervent collector of Chinese and Japanese porcelain. Sponsored and initiated the production of porcelain in Dresden, which led to the founding of the Meissen Porcelain Manufactory. Collected tens of thousands of pieces, each with inventory numbers on the back. His collection was dispersed all over the world after his death.

Illustrated: Yuan to Qing Ceramics, by A. Varela Santos, 2016/2017, cat. 22.


• Chinese Blue & White Porcelain, by D. Macintosh, p. 115, cat. 85;

• Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, by A. du Boulay, p. 200;

• La Porcelaine des Compagnies des Indes a Décor Occidental, by F. & N. Hervouët and Y. Brunneau, p. 88, cat. 4.22, for a plate with the same decoration;

• The Choice of the Private Trader, by D.S. Howard, Minneapolis 1994, p. 47, cat. 15 for a similar plate;

• Nellie Ionides Collection, Sotheby's sale catalogue, 2nd July 1963, cat. 14, for an identical dish also with the Johanneum mark.

中國外銷瓷青花歐洲場景圖盤,製作精美,式樣罕見,仿荷蘭代爾夫特彩陶,約1700年,清康熙,直徑27釐米,10 ½英吋。

藏品來源:大力神奧古斯都二世、撒克遜邦親王及波蘭國王 (1670-1733)舊藏,編號499。大力神奧古斯都二世、撒克遜邦親王及波蘭國王 (1670/1733)是最癡迷的中國瓷器和日本瓷器的收藏家,由於他的資助,在德累斯頓地區發起生產了瓷器,這就是邁森瓷器廠的起源。他有數以萬計的藏品,每個藏品背面都刻有一組編號數字。他死後藏品散落四方。

圖例:《元代至清代陶瓷》,作者阿.瓦瑞拉.桑托斯,目录 22。


• 《中國青花瓷器》,作者D. Macintosh,參見第115頁,編號85;

• 《佳士得中國陶瓷史畫報》,作者A. du Boulay,參見第200頁;

• 《東印度公司瓷器》,作者F. & N. Hervouët 及 Y. Brunneau,參見第88頁,編號4.22帶相同紋飾的 盤子一件;

•《私人貿易者的選擇》,作者D.S. Howard,明尼阿波利斯1994年出版,參見第47頁,編號15 近似盤子一件;

• 參見1963年7月2日蘇富比拍賣品目錄Nellie Ionides收藏之相同的盤子,同樣落有波蘭國王「鐵腕」奥古斯都二世收藏款。